Tame Your Inventory With PanatrackerGP Inventory Control

Inventory Grows Up Fast

Everyone can agree that fast-moving, large volumes of inventory can be challenging to manage. Add expanding product lines or growing customer demands into the mix and managing inventory becomes an even bigger beast to control.  However, even small to mid-size stockrooms or supply areas can have inventory control challenges and can benefit with inventory management tools.

Manual paper-based tracking or keeping your inventory records in spreadsheets often leads to outdated and missing information leading to incorrect inventory. 

Take Control with Mobile & Barcode Technology 

Panatrack offers solutions for mobile devices to give you the ability to capture inventory transactions at the point and time they occur. This process will keep your inventory up-to-date and remove the overhead of duplicate entry. 

Barcode data capture will add efficiency and accuracy. Easily scan barcodes (label your inventory when you receive it) to move, transfer, issue, or count your inventory. Barcode technology proves added efficiency.

By offering a mobile extension to your Dynamics GP investment, you can keep your stockroom and warehouse workers out of your accounting system. Put inventory details in their hands to increase their productivity. 

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